How to Force Upgrade to Windows 10

If MS says you must wait in queue for your Windows 10 upgrade, here's something you can do to force it to do it now.

You must have a licensed copy of win 7 thru win 8.1 for this to work.


Step 1: Open the Windows Update application and ensure that Automatic Updates are enabled.

Step 2: Open up an Explorer window (as Administrator) and navigate to C:Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download. Delete all files in this folder. This step basically gives Windows Update a fresh start by deleting all the downloaded updates. Sometime a few files are downloaded incorrectly, which leads to their corruption. This can cause the update to fail or not even initialize.

Step 3: In Command Prompt, run as Administrator, enter wuauclt.exe /updatenow and press Enter. This forces Windows Update to start downloading the update.

Step 4: Check the Windows Update window to ensure that the update is being downloaded.

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2015-09-18 16:45:34
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