JC Sales - Installing PDA Emulator with JCS application

the strategy is to first install the stock ForceField demo using the PDA Emulator. this will provide a foiundation upon which to place JCS application elements so the PDA Emulator the runs the JC Sales mobile app.

This foundation includes Jargon Reader PDA deployment engine for win desktop, files and folders, as well as the ODBC driver for Oracle 9i Lite, which is used as the embedded database for the PDA Emulator.


1. Install the stock ForceField demo app using the PDA Emulator via the install link:


2. copy desired jcs_ff.odb and jcs2_ff.odb databases to the c:\jargonsoft\db folder.

3. Using the ODBC ADministrator, create ODBC DSNs for jcs_ff.odb and jcs2_ff.odb.

3. copy desired ApplicationMenu.xml and jcs.ini to c:\jargonsoft\ForceField folder.

4. delete all the files in c:\jargonsoft\forcefield\cache

5. copy desired \jargonsoft\images\jcs folder to c:\jargonsoft\images on desktop.

6. Create the folders:  c:\jargonsoft\data\JCS

7. Create the folder: c:\jargonsoft\reports\jcs

8. Run the PDA Emulator. Update config and update apps.

9. Leave PDA Emulator.

10. modify jcs.ini lines  as follows:


11. Launch PDa Emulator, and use as desired.






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2013-01-09 07:28:53
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