Wisconsin cheesae Group - WCG - Order Print Report - How it works


1. The user enters the various selection criteria (cust#, date, rep ranges and order status).

2. Report reads the FORCEFIELD_ORDHEAD table in our repository DB and finds orders
that meet the selection criteria.

3. The logic for selecting by cust#, date and rep is obvious and has no problems that I know of.

4. The logic for selecting by order status is probably the source of most of the confusion I am hearing.

for status 'New Orders':
- NOT a "presale" order
- does NOT have lot detail

for status 'Filled Orders':
- does NOT have a signature
- has lot detail

for status 'Delivered Orders':
- has a signature
- has lot detail

1. a "presale" order is one where FORCEFIELD_ORDHEAD.HOST_STATUS = 'Presale'

2. "has lot detail" means record(s) exist in FORCEFIELD_ORDLOTS with the
same SALESREP and ORDNUM values as in the FORCEFIELD_ORDHEAD record.

3. "has signature" means that FORCEFIELD_ORDHEAD.UDF1 = 'Y'

4. "New" orders taken in the field will stay in the repository "as is" because we
never use our order# again. Instead, when they go to the warehouse and
then to the delivery user, they have the Canopy invoice# as the "ORDNUM" value.

5. Uploads from the warehouse will only stay in the repository until the delivery user
uploads the signed invoice. At that point, the delivered version replaces the warehouse version,
so that there are not two copies of the same invoice in the repository.
Plus, if the order was delivered BY the warehouse, there can't be two orders with the
same sALESREP for that ORDNUM, so there would be no way to keep the warehouse "filled"
version, only the warehouse "delivered" version.


Article Details

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Date added:
2013-03-08 20:01:17
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