UCD - Staging instructions: Ghost Image for MC65 device

Here are quick and easy instructions:

1. Download the .zip at:  http://www.jargonsoft.com/rdr/ucd/2577-UCD-MC65.zip 

2. Unzip and rename the resulting folder  "2577".

3. Copy the "2577" folder to either the Storage Card or application folder on the MC65 device.

4. Reset the device. It should auto extract the MC65 UCD ghost image.

5. If it does not, use a File Explorer and go to the 2577 folder.

6. Tap "SpriteClone" exec utiable (2.43 MB). It should then prompt for extraction of the ghost image.


That's it.

Article Details

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Date added:
2013-04-05 20:46:02
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