Richard Rubenstein
President and Founder of Jargon Software and developer of original concept and technology. Dick has spent over 35 years developing and refining technology solutions for companies, authored several and taught many software development seminars, as well as providing consulting services. BS in Computer Science, Physics, and Math from the University of Minnesota.
Tom Dietsche
Founder and architect of Jargon Reader software and ForceField application.Over 40 years in development, marketing, and support of business software. VP Development at Data Systems and Management (DSM), President of LAN Systems. BA from University of Wisconsin at Madison.
Clark Bain
VP Business Development of Jargon Software, with over 30 years of experience developing breakthrough technology solutions in business-to-business markets. Successfully introduced arc welding robots, machine vision systems, full-flat image setters, and other innovative technologies to broad commercialization. MBA from Harvard Business School, AB from Harvard College.
We began as a brief conversation in the fall of 1997. A student approached Dick Rubenstein, instructing a software class, with an idea for an Internet-based thin client application engine. A part time collaboration resulted creating an HR benefits website featuring a direct connection to back office data, a technology that was in its infancy.
Tom Dietsche joined the company the next year, bringing needed software management skills as well as a deep understanding of order processing and wholesale distribution management. He had authored WDS2, a popular wholesale distribution software application in the 1990s.
When PDAs came on the scene in 1999 (Palm Pilot), the company saw an opportunity to apply their thin client deployment technology to the new world of mobility. From this came our current development and deployment tools. Mobile applications could now be readily developed and deployed, running either connected or disconnected, and had the ability to access most any back office data.