ForceField 4
ForceField4 (FF4) is a mobile field sales and replenishment order entry app for today’s changing world. It’s a result of decades of real-world expertise in mobile sales and business applications.
- Designed for high volume, high speed, and scan-intensive ordering.
- On-line or off-line, transparent to the user.
- High volume.
- Comprehensive Price Matrix.
- No hosting fees.

- Supermarket Mode – FF4 users can quickly scan one barcode after another, without any keying, while allowing quantity changes to be made quickly and easily. Each scan orders one of that product’s normal UOM (like “Box” or “Case”).
- Cam Scanning – A very fast optical camera scanner combines with Supermarket Mode making it possible to efficiently scan without the need of a traditional bar code scanner.
- Customer Self-Ordering – Orders are typically entered by sales reps, but can also be placed by any customers who ask to be set up for self-ordering. Cam scanning makes this happen. A “Customer User” only sees their own customer data, pricing and orders, while reps see all their assigned customers.
- Offline Ordering – A key feature is the ability to enter orders while offline (in “airplane mode”), which many competing apps cannot do. This is important for taking orders in locations with unreliable network connections (or none at all). Years of experience dealing with poor connection problems have made the app highly reliable and durable in all conditions.
- Comprehensive pricing features.
- Unlimited unit of measure conversions.
- Cam scanner support.
- Add, change, delete and view sales orders, returns and credits.
- Search and view product catalog.
- Search and view customers, with A/R aging and optional A/R detail.
- Bluetooth scanner support.
- Secure web support and reporting portal.
FF4 Helpful Hints